Items within the selected queue are displayed in the Inbox tab.
You can click an item to select it and display a list of its related items or perform an ad hoc task on an item. The Inbox tab displays the life cycle and queue (up to 95 characters) in which the items reside. If the names of the life cycle and queue exceed 95 characters, the queue name is displayed.
If Exclusive Document Viewing has been enabled, attempting to open an item another user has opened will result in a Access Denied--[User Name]--is already working with this document message.
To refresh the Inbox tab, click the button in the upper-right corner of the tab:
The following right-click options are available when an item is selected in the Inbox tab and the appropriate rights have been granted:
Keywords: Opens the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box to view or modify the item's Keyword Values.
Revisions / Renditions: Opens the Revisions / Renditions dialog box to view the item's revisions and renditions.
History:Opens the Document History dialog box, which lists the past actions performed on the item. By default, the entries are sorted in descending order, with recent actions listed first.
Print: Displays the Print dialog box and sends the selected item(s) to a user-specified print queue.
Send To | Mail Recipient: When properly configured, the system will create a blank e-mail message with the specified item attached.
Send To | File: Saves selected item(s) as a TIFF file in a user-specified directory.
Send To | Create New Document: Select to create a new document from the current one, specifying Page Range, Document Type, Document Date, and Keywords as needed. Available for indexed documents only.
Send To | Internal User: Sends selected item(s) to the defined user's internal mailbox. Opens the Send Mail dialog box.
Send To| Folder: Adds the selected item(s) to a static folder.
Workflow | Workflow Queues : Displays the queues that the selected item exists in. An item can only exist in one queue within a life cycle, but can exist in multiple life cycles.
Note:If multiple items are selected at once, this option is disabled.
Properties: The properties of an item display in the Document Information dialog box.
Delete: Allows you to delete the selected item.
Route:Allows you to move an item to any queue connected to the current queue by a transition. This activity bypasses user work associated with the item. This option is only available to users that are administrators, have the Workflow Administrative Processing privilege, or have the Ad Hoc Routing user privilege at the queue level.
You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.
The following options are available whether an item is selected or not:
Combined View Settings- See Workflow Settings.
Show Combined View- See Show Combined View.
Create List Report- See Create List Report.
Note:This option is only available if you have been given appropriate rights.
Generate CSV File - See Generate CSV File.