Workflow options are available from an open document or by right-clicking documents in the Document Search Results list. Workflow can also be opened via a folder's right-click menu.
To open Workflow:
If Workflow is currently executing a task that has not completed and the Open Workflow option is selected, the following message is displayed:
ATTENTION: You are currently executing a Workflow task that has not completed. Press CANCEL to complete your Workflow task. Failure to do so will cause the task to terminate before completed. Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.
When viewing an OLE document or PDF document that has been assigned to a life cycle, Workflow can be executed on the document by selecting Process | Workflow | Execute Workflow.
Additionally, the Workflow Queues option is available from the Inbox tab in Workflow.
To view a document's queues, select a document, right-click, and select Workflow | Workflow Queues. The Workflow Locations dialog box is displayed. All of the life cycles, queues that the document belongs to, and users/user groups or roles assigned to the document are listed. <Restricted> will be displayed for queues and life cycles that you do not have the rights and/or privileges to view.