When a queue has ad hoc tasks configured, they will display directly below the Inbox tab. When you hover over an ad hoc task, descriptive text will display in a tool tip.
To initiate an ad hoc task, select the appropriate document and click on the appropriate ad hoc task icon.
A Workflow license is consumed for the duration of ad hoc task execution. It is released after the ad hoc task has executed for any Named or Workstation licenses, and after the standard minimum timeout has elapsed for a Concurrent license.
To perform an ad hoc task on a batch of documents, select multiple documents using one of the following methods:
Pressing CTRL and clicking each document.
Pressing SHIFT and clicking on the first and last documents of a desired range of documents.
After selecting the desired number of documents, click on the appropriate ad hoc task icon.
If an item has been modified, you will be prompted to save changes before the ad hoc task executes.
If there are more ad hoc tasks than can be displayed on the screen, a More Tasks button is displayed, allowing you to access all of the ad hoc tasks available by clicking on the arrow button. The following is an example of an ad hoc task pane with a drop-down menu:
If you want to view fewer tasks, click the Fewer Tasks button.
Only one ad hoc task may be performed at a time. If an ad hoc task requires processing time, such as importing a document or stamping a version, a message will display notifying the user of this. During this time, other ad hoc task icons will not be visible. Any task requiring user interaction will display the message as well.
If the documents selected are in different queues, such as when in Combined View, the ad hoc task list will clear.
When a task requiring user interaction is being carried out, the Inbox tab will be grayed-out and not selectable.