Settings |
Description |
[System] section |
Force Workflow Refresh |
Causes the Workflow inbox to refresh at the document List Refresh Rate under the User Options menu. |
[ Workflow ] section |
RuleExitCallDLLName* |
Not used. |
RuleExitCallFunctionName* |
Not used. |
ActionExitCallDLLName* |
Not used. |
ActionExitCallFunctionName* |
Not used. |
GraphicUpdate |
Indicates the number of pixels the document icon moves with each step during a transition. The higher the number, the faster the movement. |
WriteTimeStamp |
Causes the debug window to display an execution time stamp next to each action. |
DefaultHTMLBackground |
Defines the image used for the background of the inbox and the graphical view. The background image used must be a valid bitmap (.bmp) image file. |
HTMLTextColor |
Defines the text color for auto-generated HTML forms. This entry is Red, Green, Blue (RGB) format with values in the range of 1-255. |
Percent Workflow |
Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the Life cycle View in the default window layout |
PercentMessage |
Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the User Interaction window in the default window layout |
PercentInbox |
Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the Document window in the default window layout |
PercentFolder |
Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the Folder window in the default window layout |
InitGraphicZoom |
Indicates the initial zoom level for the graphic view. Valid values are 1-20. |
GridColor |
Indicates the grid color in the graphic view. This entry is RGB format. Valid values range from 1-255. |
ShowHandleInInbox |
Adds a Document Handle column to the Document window. |
Terminal Left* |
Specifies the coordinates for a new terminal window. |
Terminal Top* |
Terminal Right* |
Terminal Bottom* |
Terminal Bar* |
Used internally by OnBase to indicate the ID of the last control bar on which the terminal window was docked |
SubmitFlag* |
Indicates the hot key used to answer 'Yes' to a message box or submit forms |
SubmitKey* |
NoFlag* |
Indicates the hot key used to answer 'No' to a message box. |
NoKey* |
CancelFlag* |
Indicates the hot key used to answer 'Cancel' to a message box or to cancel a form |
CancelKey* |
LCWindowFlag* |
Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the Life cycle window |
LCWindowKey* |
DocumentWindowFlag* |
Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the Document window |
DocumentWindowKey* |
UIWindowFlag |
Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the User Interaction window |
UIWindowKey |
FolderWindowFlag* |
Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the Folder window |
FolderWindowKey* |
ScrollToWorkDocumentAfterChange |
When used in conjunction with ReselectWindowSize the inbox automatically scrolls to and selects a document that is resorted as the result of task execution. The document must be within the configured reselect document range, as configured for ReselectWindowSize, in order for the scroll settings to apply. ScrollToWorkDocumentAfterChange must be set to '1' to take effect. This feature is currently only available through the OnBase Client. |
Last Life Cycle* |
Indicates the number of the life cycle opened during the previous Workflow session; this life cycle opens by default on the next session. |
ExtraWFThreads* |
Not in use. |
[ Workflow-Bar11] to [ Workflow-Bar-N]* |
Used internally by OnBase to store the Workflow window layout between sessions. These cannot be modified by hand without adverse effects. |
RecycleTopLevelWindow |
Applies to the Use Top Level Window check box in Display Document actions. If set to 1 (default), when a new document is displayed, it reuses the window, if it exists. This allows you to position the top-level window in a second monitor. All displayed documents will appear in that window. If 0 (zero), each display action opens a new window at the Windows default location. |
ShowQueueCounts |
If set to 1, the queue counts are displayed in parentheses in the tree view. |
ShowTerminal* |
Indicates persisting window location information between sessions. |
TerminalType* |
Enables or disables the Terminal Session button. When equal to -1, the button is disabled. When equal to 0 or any positive value, the button is enabled. |
StatusPaneOrder |
Specifies the order if panes of the status bar for the Workflow Inbox window. Panes should be comma separated. Example: StatusPaneOrder=1,2,3, 4 |
StatusPaneSize_1 |
Specifies the size of the Queue Name pane. Value measured in pixels. Default value: StatusPaneSize_1=200 |
StatusPaneSize_2 |
Specifies the size of the User Name pane. Value measured in pixels. Default value: StatusPaneSize_2=150 |
StatusPaneSize_3 |
Specifies the size of the Document Count pane. Value measured in pixels. Default value: StatusPaneSize_3=75 |
StatusPaneSize_4 |
Specifies the size of the Filter pane. Value measured in pixels. Default value: StatusPaneSize_4=200 |
GraphicView* |
Indicates persistent window location information between sessions. |
ReselectWindowSize |
When a document is acted upon, the Workflow inbox is refreshed. OnBase searches the entire inbox for that document and if it remains in the queue, it is selected again. This parameter indicates the number of documents above and below the active document to search for the document last acted upon. The default is 70, yielding a 141-document window. |
ExternalLeft* |
Indicate persistent window location information between sessions. |
ExternalTop* |
ExternalRight* |
ExternalBottom* |
ExternalMaxizimed* |
PersistentFilters |
Defines whether OnBase is persisting filter information. |
Parent Window Zoomed |
Defines whether the Workflow parent window is maximized or not. |
SplitPaneSize |
Defines the location for the split in the Workflow window. |
WFServiceTimeOutSec |
Defines the amount of time in seconds that the OnBase Client will wait for a response from the Application Server during ad hoc task execution. Note:
It is not recommended to set this option for more time than the necessary to execute ad hoc tasks. |
PercentFolder |
Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the Folder window in the default window layout. |
DocsPerPage |
Defines the number of documents to show per page in a Workflow queue. |
ShowButtonText |
Displays text under the 3 buttons directly under the Document List in Workflow. The 3 buttons are Previous Results, Next Results, and Options. |
ShowRelInSeparateWindow |
Saves the Display in Separate Window setting for future sessions. This is only supported for the Core-Based interface in the OnBase Client. |
GetDocFromListForSysTask |
If set to 1, then a System Task can execute against multiple documents selected in a Folder Document list. If this setting is not present or the value is not set to 1, then the System Task will only execute against the current document. |
[Colors] section |
WFDefaultTransition* |
Not used. |
WFManualTransition |
Indicates the color of transition lines in the graphic view. This entry is RGB format with values in the range of 1-255. |
WFSystemTransition* |
Not used. |
WFTimedTransition* |
Not used. |
WfDisabledStations* |
Not used. |
WfEnabledStations* |
Not used. |
[Customer] section |
Workflow Log Report* |
Not used. |
[ Workflow Summary] section |
ZoomXFactor |
The zoom factor of the window (adjusted by the zoom buttons in the Client or the Initial Graphic Zoom setting in Client User | Workstation Options | Workflow Display Options. Valid values are 1-20. |
ZoomYFactor |
The zoom factor of the window (adjusted by the zoom buttons in the client or the Initial Graphic Zoom setting in Client User | Workstation Options | Workflow Display Options). Valid values range from 1-20. |
ShowGrippers |
Controls whether grippers are shown on the windows in Workflow. Adjusted via the toolbar button or context menu in the Workflow interface. |
LockWindows |
Indicates window location information. |
Bars* |
Indicates window location information. |
ScreenCX* |
Indicates window location information. |
ScreenCY* |
Indicates window location information. |
[ Workflow InboxColumnWidths] section |
Handle |
Sets the width of the Handle inbox column in pixels. |
Document Name |
Sets the width of the Document Name inbox column in pixels. |
Arrival Time |
Sets the width of the Arrival Time inbox column in pixels. |
These .INI settings are used to store the layout of the Workflow display and cannot be edited manually:
[Workflow-Bar1] |
BarID=59419 |
Cannot be edited. |
OLBarXSize=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
OLBarYSize=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
SizeXHorz=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
SizeYHorz=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
SizeXVert=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
SizeYVert=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bars=8 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#0=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#1=401 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#2=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#3=59442 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#4=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#5=124962 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#6=124964 |
Cannot be edited. |
Bar#7=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
The following INI settings control the display of the Core-based OnBase Client user interface. These .INI settings are used to store the layout of the Workflow display and cannot be edited manually:
[WorkflowWindowPosition-Summary] |
BarCount=5 |
Cannot be edited. |
ScreenCX=1280 |
Cannot be edited. |
ScreenCY=1024 |
Cannot be edited. |
RowX-YWidth=272 |
Cannot be edited. |
[WorkflowWindowPosition-BarX] |
ControlCount=1 |
Cannot be edited. |
ID=103 |
Cannot be edited. |
Name=Work Folder |
Cannot be edited. |
PinBarID=59645 |
Cannot be edited. |
Pinned=1 |
Cannot be edited. |
Collapsed=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Hidden=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Docked=1 |
Cannot be edited. |
DockRow=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
DockIndex=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
Extent=396 |
Cannot be edited. |
FloatLeft=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
FloatTop=0 |
Cannot be edited. |
FloatRight=396 |
Cannot be edited. |
FloatBottom=272 |
Cannot be edited. |
CXDesired=396 |
Cannot be edited. |
CYDesired=272 |
Cannot be edited. |
Active=1 |
Cannot be edited. |