Workflow Web.config Settings - Workflow - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard


Foundation 22.1

There are several Web Server web.config settings that influence the Workflow module.

If you want to open a specific queue within Workflow by default, set defaultContext to Workflow, leave the defaultControlBar blank, and set defaultContextID to the queue number. The queue number is displayed in the Studio when a queue is selected during configuration.







When you login to the Web Client, the Workflow queue with ID 253, should be opened by default.

If there is no queue with that ID, the Workflow will still be opened by default, but no queue should be opened.


If an Auto-Open Queue is specified in the OnBase Client's Workstation Options dialog box, it will override the queue specified to open by default in the web.config file.


When Workflow is opened by default, when you click the Back button, the Retrieval context is available when you click the Retrieve button.


Queue counts are displayed by default. In the web.config file, the showQueueCounts setting is set to true by default. This means that the core performs a query to count the documents in each Workflow queue and displays this number for each queue.

If the showQueueCounts is set to false,Workflow queues do not display a count of how many documents are in each queue.


This option specifies the maximum number of results displayed in a Workflow filter results list. The default value is 2000.


This option controls whether or not the Combined Inbox is available. The Combined Inbox is enabled by default. Set ShowCombinedInbox to false to disable the Combined Inbox.


This setting allows the layout of Workflow to be specified.

When the value of this setting equals "selectable", a Workflow Layout Options button is displayed in the Web Client that allows users to define the layout of Workflow. Within the Web Client, users can select from Horizontal Layout, Vertical Layout, or Separate Viewer Layout.

When the value of this setting equals "horizontal", users will receive the layout that has the document viewer horizontally spanning the Workflow interface.

When the value of this setting equals "vertical", users will receive the layout that has the document viewer vertically spanning the Workflow interface.

When the value of this setting equals "separateviewer", users will receive the layout that has the document viewer in a separate window from the Workflow interface.


You can configure a specific default annotation for a specific queue. When you configure this, the Toggle Annotation button is toggled on by default in the client and the annotation type defined is selected by default when a document is accessed from the queue specified. To define this, the following setting must be added to the web.config file within the <appSettings> node; this setting is not in the web.config file by default:

<add key="QueueAnnotationMap" value="<queue ID#>=<Annotation Type ID#>,..." />

Specify the ID number for the queue you want to associate with a specific annotation type where <queue ID#> is. Do not enclose the value in carets (<>). Specify the ID number for the annotation you want to associate with the specified queue where <Annotation Type ID#> is. Do not enclose the value in carets (<>).