Process Settings - XML Index Document Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

XML Index Document Import Processor

XML Index Document Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

Process Settings provide the ability for the system to interpret the XML Import Index File.

An Import Index File is made up of document records. Each record is composed of fields, which contain information about a document to be imported, such as the location of the document to be imported and its Keyword Values. The system associates field values in the record with Document Types and Keyword Types based on the Process Settings configuration for the XML Index DIP format.

XML Import Index Files can be organized in several ways, so you must configure the XML Index DIP format to correspond with the layout of the Import Index information.

  1. Minimize the Configuration module window on your screen.
  2. Open up the XML Import Index File and minimize it. Position the Configuration module window and the XML Import Index File window side by side on the computer screen. This will enable you to more easily configure your Process Settings to fit the XML Import Index File.
  3. In the Configuration module, select Import | XML Index Document Import Processor . The XML Index Document Import Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate XML Document Import Processing Format.
  5. Select Process Settings. The Import Processor Configuration for: <Process Name> dialog box is displayed:

    The settings in this dialog box apply to the entire file. All records in the file must have the same field characteristics.


    The Index File settings do not apply to XML Index DIP. These settings are disabled when configuring an XML Index DIP process.

  6. Select the Archiving Method.

    Archiving Method



    Documents to be processed can reside on a network location and are archived into a regular Disk Group. After commit, document information is stored to the Disk Group assigned to the process. This is the default behavior of XML Index DIP.

    In Place

    Documents to be imported reside on platters of an existing OnBase or third-party system foreign Disk Group. After the XML Index DIP process is run, database pointers are redirected to access the existing documents. This import method requires that documents be stored to a foreign Disk Group. In Place import allows you to quickly access information residing in existing files, saving the time investment associated with Normal import.


    This option does not apply to XML Index DIP.

  7. Select any Option Overrides. These process-specific options override the global options set in the onbase32.ini file.

    Override Option


    Override INI Options for This Process Format

    When this option is selected, the options Delete Index Files and Delete Source Files become enabled.

    When this option is selected, the options set in the onbase32.ini file will be ignored. If only this option is checked, the XML Import Index File and source files will not be deleted after import regardless of what is set in the onbase32.ini file.

    Delete Index Files

    When this option is selected, the setting for the INI option DIPDeleteSourceFile will be ignored and the XML Import Index Files will be deleted.


    When performing an XML Index DIP process via FTP, the XML Import Index File is not deleted, no matter what this option or the INI setting is set to.

    Delete Source Files

    When this option is selected, the setting for the INI option DIPDeleteSource will be ignored and the Source Files will be deleted.


    When performing an XML Index DIP process via FTP, the source files are not deleted, no matter what this option or the INI setting is set to.


    When this option is selected, the source files are deleted as they are processed. As a result, if a process results in an invalid batch, the batch should NOT be automatically purged. This could result in data loss as the source files for the successfully processed part of the batch have been deleted.


    The source files are only deleted if the XML Index DIP process is completed successfully. If an error occurs during the XML Index DIP process, the XML Import Index File will be moved to the ERROR_FILES directory and the source files will remain in the source directory.

  8. Select Options.



    Expand AutoFill Keyword Sets

    You can select the Expand AutoFill Keyword Sets option to index documents with values in an AutoFill Keyword Set based on a Primary Keyword Value in the import index file. If the Primary Keyword Value is only associated with one AutoFill Keyword Set, that AutoFill Keyword Set will be used to index the document. If the Primary Keyword Value is associated with more than one AutoFill Keyword Set, all of the associated AutoFill Keyword Sets will be used to index the document, as well as the values in the import index file.

    For example:

    A Document Type uses a social security number as the Primary Keyword Value. An existing AutoFill Keyword Set is shown below:

    999-99-9999, Sara Smith, 10/10/1966

    999-99-9999 is the Primary Keyword Value.

    Sara Smith's maiden name was Sara Adams.

    When a document is imported using an import index value of 999-99-9999, Sara Adams, 10/10/1966, the existing AutoFill Keyword Set is triggered by the Primary Keyword Value (999-99-9999). The document will be indexed with the values in the AutoFill Keyword Set (999-99-9999, Sara Smith, 10/10/1966).

    Store Duplicate Keys as Separate Documents

    By default, when two or more consecutive records contain the same Keyword Values for the same Document Type, the items are linked together into a multi-page document in the order they are processed. This option overrides this behavior and stores every document as a separate document.

    Detect Multi-Page Tiff

    This option does not apply to XML Index DIP.

    Delete Folders

    When this option is selected, the folders the source files resided in will be deleted after the process has run. In order for this option to properly function, no files must be present in the folders after import. To accomplish this, either the onbase32.ini file options must be set to delete the source files and/or XML Import Index Files, or the Option Override options must be set appropriately.

    For more information, see 7.

    Ignore Missing Source Files

    When this option is selected, the index file will not be moved to the ERROR_FILES subdirectory if an error occurs. A note will be displayed in the Verification Report after the process is completed.

    Count Pages in Text Files

    When this option is selected, XML Index DIP will count the number of pages for all text documents being processed. Each document's page count will be stored in the document's Document Properties.


    This option is only available when the Archiving Method is set to Normal.

    Do Not Add to Medical Contexts

    When this option is selected, documents imported through XML Index DIP are not added to medical contexts after processing or committing.


    This option is only available if your system is licensed for HL7 Listener, Medical Records Management Solution, Signature Deficiencies for Epic, Basic HL7 Listener, Medical Records Coding for OnBase Meditech, Medical Records Completion for OnBase Meditech, or Medical Records Coding Interface.

    Process Relative XPaths in Field Definitions

    When this option is selected, you can configure your XML Index DIP process with Relative Paths. For more information, see Relative Path Configuration.

    Ignore Required Keywords

    When this option is selected, required Keyword Types are not respected.

    Any imported documents missing a required Keyword Value are imported into OnBase. The missing required Keyword Values are noted within the Verification Report, but no error is reported within the Verification Report and the document is successfully imported into OnBase.

    Save Filenames to System Processing Keywords

    When this option is selected, file names of the index file and data files imported using XML Index DIP are saved to the Index File Name and Import File Name System Keyword Types on the imported documents. If these System Keyword Types are not assigned to the Document Type, file names will not be saved on the document.

    When importing a revision or new rendition of an existing document, the original document does not have any values assigned to the Index File Name or Import File Name Keyword Types, and the Save Filenames to System Processing Keywords option is selected, file name values will be added to the original document as well as the revision or rendition being imported.

    If a value imported into the Index File Name or Import File Name Keyword Types exceeds 250 characters, it is truncated beginning from the left of the path in order to preserve the file name itself.


    The index file name is also added as a Keyword Value on the index file if the Index File Name Keyword Type was added to the SYS Import Indexes Document Type.

  9. Select appropriate options for Existing Documents, if necessary.
    To search for documents with matching Keyword Values that already exist in OnBase, select the Search for an Existing Document with Matching Keywords check box. Then select one of the options below.

    Existing Documents


    Append Additional Pages to Existing Document

    Appends the new documents to the existing documents.


    If the batch of documents that the new documents are being appended to has already been committed, the appended pages will also be committed, under the same batch number as the original batch.


    Appending additional pages only works with image file formats.

    Append Additional Pages to New Revision of Existing Document

    Creates a new revision with the imported pages added on to the end of the existing document.

    Do Not Import Document

    Purges the document from the batch being imported.


    The verification report will state that the document was removed from the batch.

    When importing documents that are expected to be revisions of archived documents, but whose Keyword Values may not exactly match the archived Keyword Values, select the Respect Keyword Uniqueness Document Type Options for Searches check box. This option checks for matching Keyword Values based only on Keyword Types that have been configured as unique, unlike a normal XML Index DIP process in which all Keyword Values must match for a successful revision import. The documents are then matched to archived documents based on only the configured unique Keyword Values, rather than all Keyword Values. All Keyword Values on the two documents will be merged, and all the Keyword Values for both documents will display on each document. This is true for as many revisions as are imported.

    The newly-imported revision will not contain any of the already-archived pages of the document. The already-archived pages will also not have the new pages added to them. The documents will be completely separate from each other, except for the merged Keyword Values.

    Keyword Types are configured as unique in the Document Types dialog box in the Configuration module. The Keyword is used to determine uniqueness of new documents option in the Keyword Type Assignment dialog box must be selected. For more information on Keyword Options within the Document Types dialog box, see the System Administration MRG.

    The Respect Keyword Uniqueness Document Type Options for Searches option does not need to be used in conjunction with any of the Existing Documents options.

  10. When finished configuring the Process Settings, click Save to exit the dialog box.