The Medical Tab - XML Index Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Index Document Import Processor

XML Index Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

The Medical tab contains processing options that affect medical records document processing.


The Medical tab is only available if your system is licensed for HL7. See the HL7 Module documentation for more information.

The Medical tab contains settings related to the import of medical record documents.

The following options are available on the Medical tab:



Override Medical Records Document Patient and Chart Attachment

The Perform Medical Records Document Attachment setting in the Medical System Settings dialog box determines when imported medical records documents are attached to patients and charts. Individual processes can be configured to respect or override the system setting.

Select one of the following options to specify whether the process should override the global settings for attaching medical records documents to charts and patients:

  • Use Global Medical System Setting: The process does not override the system attachment settings. Attachment is either performed after indexing, on commit, or by a custom action, depending on the system setting.


    If the global setting is set to attach on a custom action, no attachment is performed until that action triggers it.

  • Force Attachment During Processing: Patient and chart attachment is performed as soon as the imported documents are indexed as medical record Document Types.

  • Prevent Attachment During Processing: Patient and chart attachment is not performed at any point in the process. Imported medical record documents are indexed and committed without being added to any medical contexts.

  • Perform Asynchronous Attachment: Patient and chart attachment is performed at a later time as part of a separate process involving the Medical Records Document Attachment Processor. See the HL7 Module documentation for more information.

Always Create Chart-Optional Documents For Chart Context Document Types

Select to treat all documents imported into chart Document Types as chart-optional documents. This prevents documents imported without any Chart ID Keyword Value from being sent to Chartless Documents.

Documents with a valid Chart ID are still attached. If a Chart ID is provided but it does not match any existing charts, the document is routed to Chartless Documents for review.

Do Not Add Automatic Document Deficiencies

Select to prevent Signature and Edit Transcription deficiencies from being automatically applied to imported documents.