Currency Formatting Options - XML Index Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Index Document Import Processor

XML Index Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

When your XML Import Index File contains a currency Keyword Value, you must specify the format of that value. To format an XML Index DIP format's currency Keyword Value:

  1. From the XML Index DIP Field Configuration window, select the currency Keyword Type.
  2. Click Format. The Currency Format Dialog window is displayed. The Examples section will display how the currency will look with the selected options.
  3. In the General Formatting section, select one or more of the following options:
    • Use Currency Symbol —Select this option if the value uses a currency symbol, such as a $. Type the symbol used in the Symbol field.

    • Use Digit Grouping Symbol —Select this option if the value uses a digit-grouping symbol. A comma (,) is commonly used as a digit-grouping symbol (e.g., 1,000,000).

    • Digits in Group —Identifies the number of symbols that are separated by a digit-grouping symbol. This number is commonly 3 (e.g., 1,000,000).

    • Decimal Symbol —Identifies the symbol used to identify decimal value spacing. This symbol is commonly a period (.) (e.g., 1,000,000.99).

    • Decimal Places —Identifies the number of digits that follow a decimal symbol. This number is commonly 2.

  4. In the Positive Numbers section, select from the following options:
    • Symbol After Number —Select this option for positive numbers in which the currency symbol (that was specified in the Symbol field) appears after the number (e.g., 1,000.00$).

    • Add Space for Symbol —Select this option if there is a space in the text between the number and the currency symbol (e.g., $ 1,000,000).

  5. In the Negative Numbers section, select from the following options
    • Negative Indicators —Select the character that identifies the value as a negative number. This can be either a minus sign (-) or parentheses ( ).

    • Indicator After Number —Select this option if the negative indicator symbol appears after the value. Applies to minus sign (-) only.

    • Symbol After Number —Select this option if the currency symbol appears after the negative number.

    • Symbol Inside Indicator —Select this option if the currency symbol appears after the value and before the indicator (e.g., 1,000,000 $-). Applies to minus sign (-) only.

    • Add Space for Symbol —Select this option if a space character appears after the currency symbol (e.g., $ 1,000,000).

  6. Click Save.