When Rendition Criteria Are Not Met - XML Index Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Index Document Import Processor

XML Index Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

The following situations may come up when running an XML Index DIP and using the >>Rendition or >>Rendition/New Document Default Keyword Type to create renditions of existing documents:

  • If the XML Import Index File is set up to make the imported document a rendition, and no original document is found that meets the rendition criteria, a new document will be created.

    If the >>Rendition Default Keyword Type is used, an error is displayed in the Verification Report and the XML Import Index File is moved to the ERROR_FILES folder. If the >>Rendition/New Document Default Keyword Type is used, no error is displayed in the Verification Report and the XML Import Index File is NOT moved to the ERROR_FILES folder.

  • If the XML Import Index File has a missing Keyword Value for a document to be imported, and the Keyword Value is present in the original document, a rendition will still be created.

  • If the document to be imported has matching Keyword Values for all Keyword Values present in the original document, and also has additional Keyword Values (the corresponding Keyword Value in the original document is blank), then a rendition will not be created.