Configuring an In Place XML Index DIP Process to Run Silently - XML Index Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Index Document Import Processor

XML Index Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

It is possible to configure your Import Index File so that an In-Place DIP process can run without user input. After running a typical In-Place DIP process, the user is presented with the In-Place DIP Configuration window and must enter the Disk, Volume Folder Location, and File Name. If your process is configured to run silently, the In-Place DIP Configuration window will not be displayed to the user.

To configure your process to run silently, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Import Index File.
  2. After the end of file designator, add the following information: [Diskgroupnum], [File Path], where [File Path] is the full path to the Foreign Disk Group. For example:
  3. Save the Import Index File.