The ERROR_FILES Folder - XML Index Document Import Processor - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Index Document Import Processor

XML Index Document Import Processor
Foundation 24.1

If there is an error in the XML Import Index File (for instance, a missing end tag) the process will generate a folder named ERROR_FILES in the directory where the XML Import Index File originates. The XML Import Index File with an error will be placed in this folder.


The XML Import Index File is moved to the ERROR_FILES folder even if it is marked as read-only.

If the process is configured to import multiple files, all files will be processed. In this case, the files with errors will be placed in the ERROR_FILES folder and the files without errors will be deleted. If the XML Import Index Files have been marked read-only and there is an error in one of the files, all files will be moved to the ERROR_FILES folder. The verification report will identify which XML Import Index File had an error during processing.