The following table explains some common issues:
Unable to make file Read Only - error 74 |
The machine the user logged on to does not have sufficient network rights to change the import index file attributes. |
Common issues are caused by the following:
The workstation is not licensed for TIP.
User does not have network rights to access the import index file.
User does not have rights to the Destination Disk Group location.
Make sure to format Currency and Date Keyword Types, if they are used.
The import index file does not exist in the specified directory.
Some XML documents are not being displayed correctly.
Beginning in Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, the XslTransform class was deprecated and replaced with a new XSLT implementation, XslCompiledTransform. This change to the Microsoft .NET Framework enforced stricter standards for how style sheets must be created, and may cause display issues when viewing XML documents in OnBase with style sheets that do not conform to these stricter standards. For example, XML documents may be displayed as shifted down and to the right, or other unexpected behavior may occur when viewing documents with the affected style sheets.
Beginning with OnBase 9.0, this issue has been corrected for all custom and standard style sheets created by Hyland Software, including style sheets for the EDI processors. However, this issue may still affect style sheets created by Hyland Software prior to the release of OnBase 9.0, as well as any style sheets that users have developed on their own, depending on how they were created.
If you are upgrading from OnBase 8.2 or earlier, or if you believe that style sheets created for your OnBase solution are, or may be, affected, please contact Hyland Software's Technical Support for additional information and assistance in resolving this issue.
Using TIP to Process Double-Byte Import Index Files
TIP can be used to process import index files containing double-byte character sets (e.g., Japanese or Chinese characters) if the processing workstation is properly configured to run in an environment that supports double-byte character sets.
The following error message is displayed when running a process:
One or more files were not able to backup successfully. All files have been left in their current directory and no processing was performed.
This error occurs when the Backup Path option is enabled and the processing workstation is unable to access the configured Backup Path. This can happen if the processing workstation is unable to access the configured file path, or if the Backup Path field was left blank during configuration. Ensure that a Backup Path has been configured within OnBase Configuration, and make sure that the processing workstation is able to access the configured path.