Expand AutoFill Keyword Sets - XML Tag Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Tag Import Processor

XML Tag Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

You can select the Expand AutoFill Keyword Sets option to index documents with values in an AutoFill Keyword Set based on a Primary Keyword Value in the import index file. If the Primary Keyword Value is only associated with one AutoFill Keyword Set, that AutoFill Keyword Set will be used to index the document. If the Primary Keyword Value is associated with more than one AutoFill Keyword Set, all of the associated AutoFill Keyword Sets will be used to index the document, as well as the values in the import index file.

For example:

  • A Document Type uses a social security number as the Primary Keyword Value. An existing AutoFill Keyword Set is shown below:

    999-99-9999, Sara Smith, 10/10/1966

    999-99-9999 is the Primary Keyword Value.

    Sara Smith's maiden name was Sara Adams.

    When a document is imported using an import index value of 999-99-9999, Sara Adams, 10/10/1966, the existing AutoFill Keyword Set is triggered by the Primary Keyword Value (999-99-9999). The document will be indexed with the values in the AutoFill Keyword Set (999-99-9999, Sara Smith, 10/10/1966).