Schedule Configuration - XML Tag Import Processor - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

XML Tag Import Processor

XML Tag Import Processor
Foundation 23.1

The first options that must be configured for the scheduled job are the Schedule Configuration options on the Schedule Configuration tab. This tab is displayed by default.

  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the scheduled process.
  2. Using the Processing Workstation drop-down, select the workstation that will be used to run the scheduled job.

    This workstation will need to be running with the -SCHED or -SCHEDINST command line switch in order to run the scheduled job.

  3. Using the Schedule Template drop-down, select a schedule template for the process or select <Custom Schedule> to manually configure the schedule for this process.

    For information on creating a schedule template, see below.

    To create a custom schedule, you will need to use the Calendar to select the day(s) you would like the scheduled job to run on and then you will need to specify the time the scheduled job will run using the Default Daily Schedule and/or Selected Day tabs. For more information, see those sections below.
  4. Select how often you would like the scheduled job to run by selecting one of the Processing Frequency radio buttons.
    • Once then Suspend. The scheduled item will be processed once, then the scheduled process is suspended.

    • Once per Day. The scheduled item be processed once per day.


      If the scheduled item is modified, the process may be run again on the same day.

    • Once every "" Minutes. The scheduled item is processed in the interval (measured in minutes) entered in the field. The maximum number of minutes that can be entered is 99999.

  5. When you are finished setting the Schedule Configuration options, click Apply.