Importing the Epic Chart Search Solution Package - Epic Chart Search - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Epic Chart Search

Epic Chart Search

Use OnBase Studio to import the Epic Chart Search solution package.

To import the Epic Chart Search solution package:

  1. Download Epic_Chart_Search_Notification_v1.0.0.1000.expk.
  2. Log in to OnBase Studio.
  3. Connect to the data source using the Application Server.
  4. Click Import on the Home tab in the ribbon.
  5. Browse to the solution package file: Epic_Chart_Search_Notification_v1.0.0.1000.expk.
  6. Use the following sections to choose the appropriate import actions. See Selecting Import Actions.
  7. After all import actions have been decided, click Run Verification.
  8. If errors or warnings result from verification, they are listed in the Errors and Warnings pane in order of severity, sorted by event type. Resolve errors and warnings as needed before continuing.
  9. Click Proceed to Import.
  10. Once the import is complete, the Post-Import Report is displayed and indicates whether the import was successful. Successful import of the Epic Chart Search solution package results in a Import Partially Successful message. 4 warnings about environment variables that may require additional configuration are also displayed. Contact your first line of support if you have questions or need help addressing other warnings or errors.