Import Actions: Workflow Rules - Epic Chart Search - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Epic Chart Search

Epic Chart Search

Refer to the following table when selecting import actions for Workflow rules.

Note: Mapped items follow the HBI configuration standard. If your environment is not using an HBI configuration standard, use an existing item that is equivalent to the HBI mapped item. For a list of recommended HBI configuration standards to use with this solution, see Configuration Standards.
Name Import Action Mapped Items or Notes
Route to ECS Processing 0 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 1 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 2 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 3 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 4 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 5 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 6 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 7 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 8 Create  
Route to ECS Processing 9 Create  
Is DT in Excluded list? Create  
Is DT in Medical DTG? Create  
Has HL7 been sent (HL7 LC) Create  
Property – Use Import Source KW? Create  
Is Import Source = Epic? (INT SCANS) Create  
Is Import Source = WBP (web blob document)? Create  
Script – Check DB for WBP Create  
Is Batch Number 0? Create