To configure the NilRead site to use the Hyland IdP for authentication:
- In NilHub, go to the Settings page.
- Click Identity Provider or Sso, depending on your version of NilRead.
- From the SITE drop-down list, select the site configured to handle Hyland Clinician Window requests.
Configure the settings as outlined in the following table.
The names of settings may vary slightly depending on your version of NilRead. For information about all available settings, see the separate NilRead SSO Configuration documentation.
Identity Provider
OpenID Connect Identity Provider
Oidc Authority Uri
The URL of the Hyland IdP server.
For example, if your domain is my.domain and the Hyland IdP application name is identityprovider, then the value is as follows:
Oidc Client Id
The client ID configured for the Token Exchange client on the Hyland IdP server. This must be the same Token Exchange client configured for use with the Clinician Window BFF server.
Oidc Client Secret
The value of the client secret configured for the Token Exchange client on the Hyland IdP server.
Oidc Flow
Oidc Scope
nilread openid profile
Oidc Group Claim
Oidc Username Claim
- Save the settings.