Retrieve Patient Metadata by Internal ID - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.1 - 23.1 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

The OnBase Healthcare API can use an internal patient ID to retrieve patient metadata for a specific patient record. The following flowchart describes the expected result based on VIP criteria and user privileges.

Page-1 Start/End START START Decision Is patient VIP? Is patient VIP? Subprocess Return patient metadata (audited) Return patient metadata(audited) Dynamic connector Dynamic connector.17 NO NO Dynamic connector.19 YES YES Dynamic connector.23 Process.22 Request patient metadata Request patient metadata Decision.27 User has Patient Access privilege? User has Patient Access privilege? Dynamic connector.28 YES YES Subprocess.29 Do not return patient metadata Do not return patient metadata Dynamic connector.30 NO NO Start/End.33 END END Dynamic connector.34 Dynamic connector.36 Dynamic connector.40 YES YES Dynamic connector.41 NO NO Subprocess.42 Error 403: Forbidden Error 403: Forbidden Dynamic connector.43 Text Callout User has BOTH the Emergency Access privilege and a non-expire... User has BOTH the Emergency Access privilege and a non-expired Emergency Access request for patient Decision.38 User has Emergency Access? User has Emergency Access?