The following settings specify endpoints for the EHR authorization server.
Setting | Description |
DiscoveryEndpoint |
The URL to the EHR authorization server’s Discovery document. For example: https://server/ehrauthz/.well-known/openid-configuration |
CapabilityStatementEndpoint |
The URL to the EHR FHIR server’s Capability Statement. For example: https://server/ehrauthz/api/FHIR/R4/metadata |
JwksEndpoint |
The URL to the EHR authorization server’s JSON Web Key Set. For example: https://server/ehrauthz/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks |
AuthorizeEndpoint |
The URL to the EHR authorization server’s Authorize endpoint. For example: https://server/ehrauthz/connect/authorize |
TokenEndpoint |
The URL to the EHR authorization server’s token endpoint. For example: https://server/ehrauthz/connect/token |