The following topics discuss configuring Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI settings in the appsettings.json file. When all settings are configured, save the file and recycle the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI application pool.
To configure the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI:
- Open the installation directory for the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI. In a default installation, this directory is C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandHealthcareConfigUtility.
- Open the config folder in the installation directory.
- Open appsettings.json in a plain-text editor.
Configure the following settings under hyConfigMappings:
The URL of the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility Server. For example:
Enables the inactivity timeout service. This value must be set to true.
Specifies the number of minutes of inactivity allowed before the session times out for the user logged in to the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI. The default is 20 minutes.
- Save appsettings.json.
- Recycle the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI application pool.