You can configure static parameters for NilRead URLs used by the Hyland Healthcare NilRead Adapter.
Do not attempt to configure the following parameters: deviceId, maxResults, pid, studyUid, tm, or token. These parameters are dynamically set by the Hyland Healthcare NilRead Adapter.
To include static parameters in the encrypted portion of a NilRead URL, use the encryptedParameters array provided for the URL in the appsettings.Production.json file. The format for encrypted parameters is as follows:
"encryptedParameters": [ "parameter1=value1", "parameter2=value2" ]
To include static parameters in the non-encrypted portion of a NilRead URL, use the plaintextParameters array provided for the URL in the appsettings.Production.json file. The format for plain-text parameters is as follows:
"plaintextParameters": [ "parameter1=value1", "parameter2=value2" ]
For information about available parameters, see the API documentation for your version of NilRead.