Adding the XDS Class Codes File - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.2 - 23.2 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

The Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter must have access to an XML file containing XDS class codes. An XDS class code specifies the kind of document stored in the XDS repository. Later in the implementation, you will use the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI to map the XDS class code display names to Unified Types.

Before you begin, obtain the XDS class codes file from an XDS system administrator. XDS class codes usually can be exported as an XML file from the XDS registry. For file requirements, see XDS Class Codes File Requirements.

To add the XDS class codes file:

  1. Copy the XDS class codes file to a location that can be accessed by the account running the application pool for the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter.
  2. Open appsettings.Production.json of the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter in a plain-text editor. In a default installation, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandHealthcareXDSAdapter.
  3. Update the CodesFilePath setting to reflect the location of the XDS class codes file.
  4. Save appsettings.Production.json.
  5. Recycle the application pool for the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter.