Encoding Filter Criteria - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.2 - 23.2 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

A patient record URL can provide filter criteria to control how the patient record is filtered by default. To do this, the URL must include a filter segment containing the encoded filter criteria.

To construct a value for the filter segment:

  1. Open the patient record view for a specific patient.
  2. Select the appropriate filter criteria in the filter pane.
  3. Apply the selected filter criteria.
  4. Update the date filter, if necessary.

    The filter segment in the URL does not use relative date ranges. For example, if you use the date filter in the user interface to hide contents older than 30 days, then the filter segment in the URL includes a static start date that is 30 days prior to the date you applied the filter.

  5. In the browser address bar, copy the value of the filter segment, excluding the slashes. The filter segment occurs immediately after the external patient ID. For example:
  6. URL-decode the copied value.
  7. Base64-decode the URL-decoded string from the previous step.

    Depending on the types of filters applied, the resulting JSON string may resemble the following:

    {"fd":"2016-01-01T05:00:00.000Z","td":"2019-09-15T04:00:00.000Z","f":[{"fid":"type","i":[{"n":"MR - History and Physical (H&P)","v":"132"},{"n":"MR - EKG","v":"154"}]},{"fid":"facility","i":[{"v":"Main Campus"}]},{"fid":"encounterId","i":[{"v":"E201005242"}]},{"fid":"department","i":[{"v":"Cardiology"}]}]}
  8. Update the JSON string to specify the appropriate filter criteria. For information about the name-value pairs, see JSON Value Descriptions for the Filter Segment.

    It is recommended to have an understanding of JSON syntax before you modify this string. If necessary, consult a JSON reference.

  9. Base64-encode the updated JSON string.
  10. URL-encode the base64-encoded string from the previous step.

    The resulting string is the new filter segment.