Creating Annotations - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.2 - 23.2 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

Annotations can be created on a document open in the content viewer from the viewer toolbar.

Note: Users must have the Create privilege assigned to create annotations on a document. For more information, see your system administrator.

To create an annotation:

  1. Open a document in the content viewer that requires an annotation.
  2. Click or tap Annotations from the viewer toolbar.

    If the Annotations button is hidden, click or tap the More button in the viewer toolbar to display it.

    The Annotations menu is displayed.
  3. Select the type of annotation to create from the ones listed in the menu.
    Note: If a type of annotation is not displayed in the menu as a selection, it was either not configured or you may not have privileges to create it. For more information on configuring annotations, see your system administrator.
  4. Click and drag the cursor on the document to size and position the annotation.
    The annotation is created and displayed on the document.