Configuring a Date Range Filter - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

You can add or edit a date range filter using the Hyland Clinician Window Configuration application.

To add or edit a date range filter:

  1. Open the Date Range Filters page by doing one of the following:
    • Click the Date Range Filters option on the home page.

    • Click the main menu button in the upper-left corner of the Hyland Clinician Window Configuration application and select Date Range Filters.

    The Date Range Filters page is displayed.

  2. Create or choose a date range filter.
    • To create a new date range filter, click Add A Date Range Filter at the bottom of the Date Range Filters pane.

    • To edit an existing date range filter, select the date range filter from the Date Range Filters pane.

  3. In the Date Filter Label field, enter the label to display for the date range in Hyland Clinician Window.

    The maximum number of characters that can be entered is 40.

  4. Choose whether this date range filter should be applied by default for all patient records.
    • To make this filter the default date range, select the Default Date Filter option.

    • If you do not want to use this filter as the default date range, clear the Default Date Filter option.

    If a date range filter is not selected as a default, then the All Time date range filter is applied as the default.


    Only one date range filter can be designated the default date range filter.


    If Hyland Clinician Window is accessed using a URL that provides a date range filter, the default date range filter is overridden by the filter in the URL.

  5. In the Number of Days field, enter the number of days to include in the date range.
    For example, a date range of 0 days shows only documents from today. A date range of 7 shows documents from today through seven days ago.
  6. Click Save.

    You can also press Ctrl + S to save your changes.