Mapping Note Types - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

Use the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility to select the OnBase Note Types you want to make available in Hyland Clinician Window.

To map OnBase Note Types to a Unified Note Type:

  1. Log on to the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility.
  2. Click Note Type Mapping from the Home page or application menu.
    The Unified Note Type configuration page is displayed.
  3. Select a Unified Note Type from the Unified Note Types pane.
    The Unified Note Type mapping options are displayed in the right pane. The Available Note Types list contains only OnBase Note Types that have the same note/annotation style as the selected Unified Note Type.
  4. Use the Search Available Note Types field to filter the Available Note Types list as needed.
    Tip: To view the color configured for a specific OnBase Note Type, rest your pointer over the icon preceding the Note Type's name.
  5. Choose the Note Types to map to the Unified Note Type.
    • To map a Note Type, select it from the Available Note Types list.
    • To map all Note Types currently shown in the Available Note Types list, click Select All.
    • To unmap a Note Type, select it from the Selected Note Types list.
    Note: If the browser window is narrow, then available and selected Note Types are displayed in a single list. A check mark is displayed next to each selected Note Type. To view only Note Types currently selected for the Unified Note Type, click Show Selected. To view all available Note Types, click Show All.
  6. Click Save in the lower-right corner of the page.
  7. Click Save when prompted to save your changes.
    A confirmation message is displayed.