Configuring Cache Expiration Settings - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

The following settings define minimum and maximum expiration times for the sliding cache and absolute cache. A sliding cache expiration time defines how many seconds it takes from when the cache was most recently retrieved until the cache expires. An absolute cache expiration time defines how many seconds from when the data was first cached until the cache is forced to be cleared.

The expiration time thresholds defined here are used as the expiration time thresholds when configuring the Sliding Cache Expiration Time and the Absolute Cache Expiration Time options in the Clinician Window Configuration application.

To configure cache expiration settings:

  1. Open the appsettings.Production.json file of the Clinician Window BFF server in a plain-text editor. In a default installation, this file is located at: C:\Program Files\Hyland\CW_BFF
  2. Update the attributes of the Cache element with the following values:




    The minimum expiration time (in seconds) allowed for a sliding cache. The default minimum expiration time is 30 seconds.


    The maximum expiration time (in seconds) allowed for a sliding cache. The default maximum expiration time is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).


    The minimum expiration time (in seconds) allowed for an absolute cache. The default minimum expiration time is 900 seconds (15 minutes).


    The maximum expiration time (in seconds) allowed for an absolute cache. The default maximum expiration time is 7200 seconds (2 hours).

  3. Save and close the appsettings.Production.json file.
  4. Recycle the application pool of the Clinician Window BFF server for the changes to take effect.