Configuring hyConfigMappings Settings - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

The following settings configure the Hyland Clinician Window UI for use.

To configure hyConfigMappings settings:

  1. Open the appsettings.json file of the Hyland Clinician Window in a plain-text editor. In a default installation, this file is located at: C:\Program Files\Hyland\CW\config
  2. Update the following configuration items:




    The base URL of the Clinician Window BFF Server.


    When a URL is not specified, retrieval of remote patient data fails.

    For example, if the application name of the Clinician Window BFF is HCW_BFF in IIS, your domain is my.domain, your machine name is MedStaff1, and the environment is configured for secure connections, then the value is:


    Enables the Clinician Window debug console when set to true as shown in the following example:

    "enableDebugConsole": true

    When set to true, you can open the debug console by pressing Shift + Alt + F12 when in the Clinician Window user interface.


    Enables the inactivity timeout service. This must be set to true.


    Establishes the number of minutes of inactivity to pass before the Clinician Window session times out for the logged in user. By default, this is set to 20 minutes. The following is an example:

    "inactivityTimeoutInMinutes": 20


    Hides the Hyland Clinician Window banner at the top of the user interface. The banner typically includes basic navigation (for example, a back button to return to the Patient Overview) and user preferences.


    Hiding the Hyland Clinician Window banner does not hide the patient demographics banner.

    This option should be set to true only if you are using Hyland Clinician Window in conjunction with the Hyland Mobile Healthcare application. If set to false when using both the Hyland Clinician Window and the Hyland Mobile Healthcare applications, both the Clinician Window banner and the Mobile Healthcare banner will display in the mobile user interface.

    If setting this option to true, then set the option as shown in the following example:

    "hideShell": true

    By default, this option is set to false.


    When the hideShell option is set to true, the Hyland Clinician Window banner is not hidden on the Hyland Clinician Window Configuration application.


    When connecting to an OnBase environment, this is the URL to the OnBase Document Management API.

    For example, if your domain is my.domain, your machine name is MedStaff1, and the environment is configured for secure connections, then the value is:

  3. Save and close the appsettings.json file.
  4. Recycle the application pool of the Clinician Window UI for the changes to take effect.