Configuring Correction Settings - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

Correction settings allow the Hyland Healthcare OnBase Adapter to handle requests submitted to the Healthcare Corrections Solution from Hyland Clinician Window.

To configure correction settings:

  1. Open appsettings.Production.json of the Hyland Healthcare OnBase Adapter in a plain-text editor. In a default installation, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandHealthcareOnBaseAdapter.
  2. Under ADAPTEE, set the CorrectionLifeCycleID setting to the ID number of the Workflow life cycle where correction forms are sent for the Healthcare Corrections Solution.
    If the CorrectionLifeCycleID setting is not specified, then the Flag for Correction button is not available in Hyland Clinician Window.
  3. Under CorrectionModelToPostDataMapping, map keys sent in the correction POST request to fields on the correction form.

    A single key can be mapped to multiple fields to populate both an E-Form field and a Keyword Type.

    The following keys are available for mapping:




    Maps the Details field from the Clinician Window correction form to the corresponding OnBase E-Form field.

    For example:

    "Comments": [ "txtareaComments" ],


    Maps the Correction Type field from the Clinician Window correction form to the corresponding OnBase E-Form field and Keyword Type.

    For example:

    "Reason": [ "chkCorrectiontype", "OBKey_Correction_Type_1" ],


    Maps the Urgent check box from the Clinician Window correction form to the corresponding OnBase E-Form field and Keyword Type.

    For example:

    "Urgent": [ "chkUrgent", "OBKey_Priority_1" ]

  4. Save appsettings.Production.json.
  5. Recycle the Hyland Healthcare OnBase Adapter application pool.