Unified Type settings must be configured to allow the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter to connect to the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility Server for Unified Type mapping.
To configure Unified Type settings for the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter:
- Open appsettings.Production.json of the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter in a plain-text editor. In a default installation, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandHealthcareXDSAdapter.
Configure the following settings under ADAPTEE:
The name used to identify the XDS repository in the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility UI. This name must be unique to this adapter.
CAUTION:Do not change this value after initial installation. Changing this value will break any existing Unified Type mapping for this repository.
The URL to the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility Server.
For example, if the server host is my.server.net and the IIS application name for the Hyland Healthcare Configuration Utility Server is HylandHealthcareConfigUtilityServer, then the value is as follows:
- Save appsettings.Production.json.
- Recycle the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter application pool.