Mapping Assigning Authority Identifiers - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

All patient identifier assigning authorities that may be passed to the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter must be added to the assigning authority mapping file.

The mapping file allows the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter to do the following:

  • Translate the namespace-formatted value of each assigning authority to its respective unique identifier (OID).

  • Exclude assigning authorities that are not intended to be used with XDS.


If the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter must handle patient identifiers that do not specify an assigning authority, then the mapping file must use a blank string ("") to represent the namespace format of the assigning authority that issued the patient identifiers.

To configure the mapping file:

  1. Open the installation directory for the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter.
  2. Open the assigningAuthorityMapFile.json file. In a default installation, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandHealthcareXDSAdapter.
  3. Within the AssigningAuthorityMappings array, create an object for each assigning authority that the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter may need to pass to the XDS Registry.

    Each object must contain the following settings:

    • NameSpaceAssigningAuthority: The namespace-formatted name of the assigning authority. This is the assigning authority value provided by the XDS Consumer.

    • AssigningAuthorityUID: The registered OID of the assigning authority.

    For example:

        "AssigningAuthorityMappings": [ 
                "NameSpaceAssigningAuthority": "AAA", 
                "AssigningAuthorityUID": "1.2.345.678910.1112.13.14.0" 
                "NameSpaceAssigningAuthority": "", 
                "AssigningAuthorityUID": "1.2.345.123456.1234.12.34.0" 
        "AssigningAuthorityExclusions": [ ] 
  4. Within the AssigningAuthorityExclusions array, add a list of namespace-formatted assigning authorities that the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter should ignore.

    For example:

    "AssigningAuthorityExclusions": [ 

    If the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter should ignore requests that do not specify an assigning authority, then add a blank string ("") to the array.

    For example:

    "AssigningAuthorityExclusions": [ 
  5. Save assigningAuthorityMapFile.json.
  6. Recycle the application pool for the Hyland Healthcare XDS Adapter.