Configuring IdP Settings for the Hyland Preferences Service - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

The Hyland Preferences Service must be configured to use the Hyland Identity Provider for authentication. Perform this task on the server where the Hyland Preferences Service is installed.

To configure IdP settings for the Hyland Preferences Service:

  1. Open the appsettings.json file of the Hyland Preferences Service in a plain-text editor.
    In a default installation, this file is located at: C:\Program Files\Hyland\hyland-preferences-service.
  2. Locate the Identity settings under User.Auth.
  3. Update the Identity settings to reflect the IdP client connection you configured for the Hyland Preferences Service.

    The following table describes how to configure each setting:




    Set to true.


    Enter the URL of the Hyland IdP server. This value is case sensitive.

    For example, if your domain is my.domain and the Hyland IdP application name is identityprovider, then the value is as follows:



    Paste the client ID you copied from the Hyland IdP server for the Hyland Preferences Service client. This value is case sensitive and must match exactly the value on the Hyland IdP server.


    Enter the plain-text value of the client secret assigned to the Hyland Preferences Service client configured on the Hyland IdP server.

    You must enter the plain-text value, not the hashed value that is displayed after the client secret configuration settings are saved in the Hyland IdP Admin interface.

    ClaimMapping | User

    Set to username.

    ClaimMapping | System

    Set to tenant.

  4. Save and close the appsettings.json file.
  5. Recycle the application pool of the Hyland Preferences Service for the changes to take effect.