This section describes how to configure the Hyland Healthcare NilRead Adapter to use Hyland IdP authentication.
To configure the Hyland Healthcare NilRead Adapter to use the Hyland IdP server for authentication:
Open appsettings.Production.json of the Hyland
Healthcare NilRead Adapter in a plain-text editor.
In a default installation, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandHealthcareNilReadAdapter.
Configure the following settings under
JwtBearer | Authority
The URL of the Hyland IdP server. This value is case sensitive.
For example, if your domain is my.domain and the Hyland IdP application name is identityprovider, then the value is as follows:
JwtBearer | Audience
The required JWT audience claim for this application. Set this value to the following:
- Save and close the appsettings.Production.json file.
- Restart the Hyland Healthcare NilRead Adapter application pool.