Encoding the Content ID - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

A patient record URL can display a specific document or study by default in the preview pane. To do this, the URL must include a content ID segment containing the encoded content ID.

To construct an encoded content ID value:

  1. Paste the following JSON template in a text editor:
  2. Update the sourceId value to match the SourceId that the Hyland Patient API uses to identify the source system for the document or study.
  3. Update the id value with the internal identifier of the document or study to be retrieved.

    The JSON string may now resemble the following:

  4. Base64-encode the entire JSON string.
  5. URL-encode the base64-encoded string from the previous step.

    The resulting string is the encoded content ID value.