Hit Highlight Annotation - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

You can find out certain keywords in a document while viewing it from the Hyland Document Viewer. When you search for a certain keyword, it is highlighted throughout the document.

To view the document with the document viewer and find the keyword that you're searching for with ease:

  1. Log in to Hyland Clinician Window.
    The list of documents is displayed.
  2. In the Full-Text Search textbox, provide the keyword that you want to find in the document.
    In the document viewer pane, all instances of the keyword are highlighted. The selected instance is highlighted in orange, while all other instances are highlighted in yellow.

    The number of instances for which the keyword has been found in the document is mentioned at the top of the Document Viewer.

  3. Click the arrow beside the number of instances to navigate to the instance of the keyword that you are looking for.