Accessing Restricted Content from the Single Document View - Hyland Clinician Window - 23.3 - 23.3 - Other - external

Hyland Clinician Window

Hyland Clinician Window

To access restricted patient content from a single document view:

  1. Open the restricted patient content in Hyland Clinician Window. The single document view is displayed with a restricted access message.
  2. Click Break the Glass. A message is displayed indicating that you can now review the restricted content for a short period of time. During this time, actions taken on the patient content are monitored and reviewed.

    Access to restricted content expires only when the specified expiration time is reached. Logging out of Clinician Window before the expiration time does not revoke access or require you to request emergency access again when logging back in to Clinician Window prior to the expiration time.

  3. Click Back to Patient Record, or press Ctrl + Backspace, to view all restricted content for the patient record.

    The Back to Patient Record button may not be available depending on your configuration.

  4. When the time allotted to view restricted content expires, a restricted access expired message is displayed with the option to break the glass again or return to viewing unrestricted content.