The Encompass Integration Off-Ramp is what the OnBase workflow uses to execute API calls
against the OnBase API Server. This Off-Ramp is used for communication with the
Encompass REST API hosted within the API Server. To configure the Off-Ramp complete the
following steps:
- Log into OnBase Studio.
- In the Repositories panel, navigate to the Integration Services tab
- Navigate to the HIS Off-Ramp | REST | Encompass Integration
- In the Properties panel, on the General tab, update the URL provided in the Base URI field with the correct URL to your OnBase API Server.
- Click Authentication.
Refer the following table to to populate the authentication settings for the
Off-Ramp and then click Save in the Unity Client
Setting Value Authentication Mode OAuth Password Flow Access Token URL The URL to your Hyland Identity Provider. Example:
Client ID The Client ID for the Encompass Integration client created in the Hyland Identity Provider Client Secret The Client Secret for the Encompass Integration client created in the Hyland Identity Provider Scope Evolution Send Client Credentials In Body Username Encompass-Integration (if using the default user account provided with the solution) Password Value that has been set for a password on the Encompass-Integration user account