Importing the Solution Package - Hyland Integration for Encompass - 22.1 - 22.1 - Ready - Other - external

Hyland Integration for Encompass

Hyland Integration for Encompass

The Hyland Integration for Encompass comes with a packaged workflow which can be obtained by contacting your first line of support. The workflow requires a few minor modifications following the import in order to correctly index documents received from Encompass.

Note: It is recommended to have a current backup of any OnBase database prior to performing a new solution import.
  1. Log into OnBase Configuration
  2. Navigate to Utils | Change Control | Import Configuration Items
  3. Browse to the solution import package provided by your first line of support.
  4. Click the Auto Resolution button.
  5. Leave the default options checked and click Automatically Resolve All Items.
    1. Create Unmatched Items (checked)
    2. Override Existing Actions (unchecked)
    3. Auto Resolve Using Previous Decisions (selected)