Editing Tenant Setup System - Hyland for Workday Financial Management - 1.0 - 1.0 - Ready - Other - external

Hyland for Workday Financial Management

Hyland for Workday Financial Management

Workday allows you to configure the system to display a widget that opens a pop-up window, which contains guidance information about a widget on an edit page. You can also set up the time zone for the system.

To configure edit tenant setup system:

  1. Log in to Workday Tenant.
  2. Search for the Edit Tenant Setup - System task.
  3. In the Edit Tenant Setup page, in the Information section, select the Always Show Guided Tours checkbox.
  4. To configure the timezone, in the Time Zone Configuration section, provide the following information:
    • Default Timezone
    • Role Assignment Time Zone Option
    • Business Process Date Calculation Time Zone
  5. Click OK.