Configuring appsettings.json of the HCMIS-BE backend service - Hyland for Workday Financial Management - 1.0 - 1.0 - Ready - Other - external

Hyland for Workday Financial Management

Hyland for Workday Financial Management

As a part of System Configuration, you need to configure the appsettings.json file of the HCMIS-BE backend service.

To configure the appsettings.json file of the HCMIS-BE backend service:

  1. From the HCMIS-BE backend service installation directory, open the appsettings.json file in a file editor.
  2. Update the appsettings.json file with the following values:
    Section Name Property Name Description Sample Value
    JwtIssuerOptions Authority URL of the JWT bearer authentication IdP server https://localhost/idp
    Audience URL of the JWT bearer authentication audience https://localhost/idp/resources
    ClientId JWT bearer authentication client ID Enter a valid Idp client id
    Client Secret Client Secret for the Client in use Enter a valid Idp client secret
    OBTechnicalUserId OnBase user ID of the technical user. This should be a system account that is used to retrieve document types and document type groups when the HCMIS-BE backend service starts.
    Note: This configuration should be encrypted using the Hyland Application Settings Utility (HASU).
    Enter a Valid Username
    OBTechnicalUserPswd OnBase password of the technical user.
    Note: This configuration should be encrypted using HASU.
    Enter a Valid Password
    Scope Scope to be used by the client evolution
    Scopes Evolution Scope used by apiServer evolution
    Efm Scope used by HCMIS-BE backend service hcmisbe
    ConfigService URL:Solution Url to the HCS_Solution app hosted in IIS https://localhost/hcs_system
    readGroup:HFW A group in Onbase Configuration who can perform config read from Hyland Configuration Service. This group can be a user group in OnBase or can be synced from an Active Directory. hfw.employee
    writeGroup:HFW A group in Onbase Configuration who can perform config write in Hyland Configuration Service. This group can be a user group in OnBase or can be synced from an Active Directory. hfw.admin
    ApiServerConfig:onbaseUrl Url to the ApiServer app hosted in IIS https://localhost/ApiServer/onbase/core
    ApiServerConfig:StartPath Url Containing the value /apiServer
    ApiServerConfig:RedirectRoute If the Url contains startpath, redirect to this route https://localhost/apiserver
    LBSessionAffinity:CookieRenamingEnabled Flag false
    LBSessionAffinity:OriginalLBCookie Load Balancer Cookie name FB_LB
    LBSessionAffinity:MorphedLBCookie Cookie to be renamed to this MorphedLBCookie
    LBSessionAffinity:CookiePath Path to the cookie /
    LBSessionAffinity:SecureCookie Flag true
    LBSessionAffinity:SameSiteMode   None
    SecurityKeywordConfig:keywordTypeId Security Keyword Id configured in Onbase Configuration Valid Id in Onbase Configuration
    viewerConfig:quickAccessUri Url to the Hyland.QuickAccess app hosted in IIS https://localhost/QA/viewer/document
    Note: While providing the values, it is recommended to encrypt the values for "ClientId", "ClientSecret", "OBTechnicalUserId", and "OBTechnicalUserPswd" using Hyland Applications Settings Utility (H.A.S.U). For details on how to encrypt AppSettings values using H.A.S.U, refer to Encrypting AppSettings Values Using Hyland Application Settings Utility.
  3. Save and close the appsettings.json file.
  4. Reset IIS.