Create IIS Application and Application Pool - Hyland for Workday Financial Management - 1.0 - 1.0 - Ready - Other - external

Hyland for Workday Financial Management

Hyland for Workday Financial Management

You have to create IIS Application and application pool to configure IIS to deploy HCMIS-BE backend service.

To create IIS application and application pool:

  1. Open the IIS Manager Program on the Server.
  2. Navigate to the Application Pools for the desired server where the service needs to be deployed.
  3. In the Actions pane, select Add Application Pool, and create a new pool for the service, with the following settings:
    • Name: hcmisbeAppPool
      Note: You can have a different name, if required.
    • NET CLR Version: No Managed Code
    • Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated
  4. Navigate to the ApplicationPools screen and restart the application pool you created. If the name is hcmisbe, the application pool is hcmisbeAppPool.
  5. Right click on Default Web Site and add a new application to this site with the following settings:
    • Alias: hcmisbe
    • Application Pool: hcmisbeAppPool
    • Physical Path: Virtual Directory path of hcmisbe, for example C:\inetpub\wwwroot\hcmisbe.
  6. Navigate to the ApplicationPools screen and restart the application pool you created.