Creating External Client CredStore - Hyland for Workday HCM - 1.0 - 1.0 - Ready - Other - external

Hyland for Workday HCM

Hyland for Workday HCM

The Create External Client CredStore task enables external apps and orchestrations to store OAuth2 access and refresh tokens in the Workday credential store.

To create the External Client CredStore task for Hyland for Workday HCM:

  1. Log in to Workday Tenant.
  2. Search for the Create External Client CredStore task.
    The Create External Client page appears.
  3. Provide the following information and click OK.
    Field Value
    App ID HFW-HR-App_fzlxvg
    External Reference ID HyIdpAuthCode
    Note: This value cannot be changed.
    Auth Scheme for External Client OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code
    Client ID The client ID of your app.
    Client Secret Client Secret of the above Client ID
    Authorization Endpoint https://<iis-host>/<Hyland Idp Virtual Directory Name>/connect/authorize

    For example,

    Token Endpoint https://<iis-host>/<Hyland Idp Virtual Directory Name>/connect/token

    For example,

    Scope openid hcmisbe group

    For details of the Hyland Identity Service client configuration related to Client ID, refer to the following table:

    Field Value
    Client Name workday-extend-hcm
    Client Description workday-extend-hcm
    Protocol Type oidc
    Redirect Urls
    Allowed Grant Types Authorization Code
    Allowed Scopes openid hcmisbe group
    Post Logout Redirect URLs https://<hostname>/identityprovider
    Client Secret must be present Selected
    Allow users to log in locally Unchecked

    For details related to the Client Secret, refer to the following table:

    Field Value
    Value <[Secret]>, where [Secret] is the Client Secret of the Hyland Identity Provider Client.
    Expiration Select the Expiration Date
    Type Shared Secret