Editing Tenant Setup System - Hyland for Workday HCM - 1.0 - 1.0 - Ready - Other - external

Hyland for Workday HCM

Hyland for Workday HCM

Workday allows you to configure the system to display a widget that opens a pop-up window, which contains guidance information about a widget on an edit page.

To configure the Edit Tenant Setup - System task:

  1. Log in to Workday Tenant.
  2. Search for Edit Tenant Setup - System task.
  3. In the Edit Tenant Setup - System page, in the Information section, select the Always Show Guided Tours checkbox.
  4. To configure the timezone, in the Time Zone Configuration section, provide the following information:
    • Default Timezone
    • Role Assignment Time Zone Option
    • Business Process Date Calculation Time Zone
  5. Click OK.