This section describes the additional steps required to successfully create a load-balanced Hyland IdP server environment. These steps must be completed on each IdP server in the load-balanced environment. See the following assumptions and considerations:
The following considerations need to be accounted for before attempting to load balance the servers:
Each server in the load-balanced environment should use the same idpconfig.json file. If a single, shared file cannot be used, the idpconfig.json files must be exactly the same between servers. In a default installation, the idpconfig.json file is located on each server at C:\Program Files\Hyland\identityprovider.
The identity running the application pool for each Hyland IdP server must have Modify access to the ipdconfig.json file.
The same keyfile directory, used for encrypting and decrypting cookies, tokens, and other values, must be accessible to all Hyland IdP servers in the load-balanced environment.
The identity running the application pool for each Hyland IdP server must have Modify access to the keyfile location.
The settings configured in the appsettings.json file of each Hyland IdP server must match all other Hyland IdP servers in the environment. In a default installation, the appsettings.json file is located on each server at C:\Program Files\Hyland\identityprovider\config.
Note:Unlike the idpconfig.json file, a single appsettings.json file cannot be moved to a common location for all Hyland IdP servers to use. It is a best practice to configure a single Hyland IdP server for load balancing, then overwrite the appsettings.json file on each other server with a copy of the same correctly configured appsettings.json file.
The same signing and encryption certificates need to be installed to the Personal Store under LocalMachine on each Hyland IdP server in the load-balanced environment. The identity running the application pool for each Hyland IdP server must have Read access to the private keys of the signing and encryption certificates.
As of 3.0.1, in load-balanced environments using SSL termination or when the Hyland IdP server is deployed behind a proxy server, you must properly configure the X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto headers in the proxy server or load balancer, depending on your environment. For more information on configuring these headers, consult the Microsoft documentation.
To configure a Hyland IdP server for load balancing: