Preparing the Environment for Initialization - Identity and Access Management Services - 3.3 - 3.3 - Other - external

Identity and Access Management Services

Identity and Access Management Services

Before the Hyland IdP server can be initialized, the environment must be prepared.


It is assumed that the Hyland IdP server is already installed. If you have not yet installed the Hyland IdP server, first complete the instructions under Installing the Hyland Identity Provider (IdP) Server.

To prepare the environment for initialization:

  1. Locate the installation directory for the Hyland IdP server. In a default installation, the directory is C:\Program Files\Hyland\identityprovider.
  2. Add the IIS_IUSRS account to the Hyland IdP server installation directory. This user must be added with the server as the source location.

    Adding accounts to files and folders, and changing their permissions, is Microsoft Windows functionality. For full details, see the documentation provided by Microsoft.

  3. Give the IIS_IUSRS account the following permissions for the Hyland IdP server installation directory:
    • Read & execute

    • List folder contents

    • Read

  4. Open the Hyland IdP server installation directory and locate the idpconfig.json file. In a default installation, this file is located at: C:\Program Files\Hyland\identityprovider\idpconfig.json
  5. Give the IIS_IUSRS account the following permissions for the idpconfig.json file:
    • Write

  6. In the Hyland IdP server installation directory, open the config directory and locate the appsettings.json file. In a default installation, this file is located at: C:\Program Files\Hyland\identityprovider\config\appsettings.json
  7. Give the IIS_IUSRS account the following permissions for the appsettings.json file:
    • Write

  8. Open the appsettings.json file for editing.

    Open this file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad.

  9. In the Features block, set AdminAPI to true to enable configuration of the Hyland IdP server using the Hyland IdP Administration client.
  10. Save and close the appsettings.json file.
  11. In IIS, locate and select the application pool for the Hyland IdP server under Application Pools. In a default installation, the application pool is named identityproviderAppPool.
  12. Under the advanced settings for the application pool, change the following settings:



    General | .NET CLR Version

    No Managed Code

    General | Queue Length


    General | Start Mode


    CPU | Limit Interval (minutes)


    Process Model | Idle Time-out (minutes)


    Process Model | Ping Enabled


    Rapid-Fail Protection | Enabled


    Recycling | Regular Time Interval (minutes)


  13. Recycle the application pool for the changes to take effect.
  14. Next, set up the Hyland IdP server: