Adding a Secret - Identity and Access Management Services - 4.4 - 4.4 - Ready - Other - external

Identity and Access Management Services

Identity and Access Management Services

You can add a secret for the Service Account Client using the Hyland IdP Administration client.

Note: You must enable the service account before adding a secret. For more information on enabling a service account, see Enabling Service Account Client From the User Interface.

To add a secret:

  1. In the Service Account Client Details page, select Add New Secret.
    The Create Secret dialog box is displayed.
    Create Secret dialog box
  2. Enter a unique secret name and an expiration date.
    Note: The expiration date cannot be set to more than 180 days.
  3. Click Create Secret.
    The secret for the Service Account Client is displayed.
    CAUTION: It is recommended that you save the secret as it is not displayed again.