Renaming the Add-In - Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

When accessing the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In from Microsoft® Outlook, by default, the name of the app is "Hyland Content". You may edit the manifest XML file to change the name of the add-in as it is displayed in Microsoft® Outlook.

To change the name of the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In:

  1. Locate the manifest XML file for the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In.
  2. Open the manifest XML file in a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. In the DisplayName node, update the DefaultValue to the new name for the add-in.
  4. Save and close the manifest XML file.
When the manifest file is used to deploy the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In, the name of the app reflects the value entered for DisplayName.