Configuring a Client Connection on the Hyland IdP Server - Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

In order to use the Hyland Office Integration Services (HOIS) and the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In, you need to configure client connections to handle external client authentication requests that require the Hyland IdP server.

This section describes how to configure a client connection using the Hyland IAM Configuration Application.

Note: Complete details on configuring a client connection on the Hyland IdP server are documented in the separate Identity and Access Management Services documentation.

To configure a client connection on the Hyland IdP server:

  1. Launch the Hyland IAM Configuration Application and log on using your OnBase credentials.
  2. Click the Clients tab to view the client connections currently configured for the tenant.
  3. Click Add New at the upper right of the client connections list.
  4. On the top of the Client Details tab, or under the Basic Settings area, ensure Enabled is selected.
  5. The client connection must have the following settings. All other settings can be left with the default values.
    Option Configuration
    Client ID Enter the Client ID generated by the Hyland IdP.
    Client Name Enter a name for the client.
    Protocol Type Select oidc.
    Redirect URLs

    To add a new URL to the list, type the URL in the field and press Enter. The format for redirect URLs is https://[iis host]/[Add-in directory name]/login and https://[iis host]/[Add-in directory name]/adminLogin

    To remove a configured URL, click the X at the right of the URL value.

    Allowed Grant Types Select Authorization Code.
    Require PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) This option must be selected.
    Allowed Scopes Enter the following scopes:
    • mca
    • evolution
    • openid
    • profile
    • group
    Allow issuing access tokens to browsers This option must be selected.
    Post Logout Redirect URLs

    To add a new URL to the list, type the URL in the field and press Enter. The format for redirect URLs is https://[iis host]/[Add-in directory name]/logoutConfirmation and https://[iis host]/[Add-in directory name]/adminLogoutConfirmation

    To remove a configured URL, click the X at the right of the URL value.

    Allowed Cors Origins Enter the server's domain URL where the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In is hosted.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Recycle the application pool of the Hyland IdP server in IIS for the changes to take effect.