Configuring the appsettings.json File for HOIS - Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In - 1.0 - 1.0 - Other - external

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In

The appsettings.json file must be configured before using the Hyland Office Integration Services (HOIS) with the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In.

To configure the appsettings.json file:

  1. Open the appsettings.json file in a text editor such as Notepad. This file is located in the installation directory for HOIS. For example: C:\Program Files\Hyland\HylandOfficeIntegrationService
  2. Update the settings under Host.
    Setting Expected Value


    The URL origin where the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In front-end request to HOIS will be coming from.


    The Hyland IdP URL.


    The name of the application as you would like it to appear in the Diagnostic Console when logs are written

    The default value for this setting is HOIS.

  3. Update the settings under DataSource.
    Setting Expected Value
    DataProvider The database provider type. Set the value to MSSQL for Microsoft SQL or ORACLE for Oracle.
    ConnectionString A valid connection string to the OnBase database for the database provider type (SQL or Oracle). The connection string must include Server, Database, User Id, and Password information.
    Note: Make sure you include the double-slash ( \\ ) between the server and the database instance to account for JSON formatting. For example, Server=MyDB\\SQLInstance;
  4. Update the settings under EncryptionSettings.
    1. Determine the encryption method for your solution.
      You should configure your solution to use one of the following encryption methods:
      • Certificate thumbprint encryption: This is the recommended encryption method. This encryption method uses a certificate thumbprint.
      • DPAPI-NG encryption: This encryption method uses Data Protection Application Programming Interface - Next Generation (DPAPI-NG) cryptography. This encryption method is only available on Windows in an Active Directory environment.
    2. If using Certificate thumbprint encryption, perform one of the following actions depending on your preferred encryption settings. If using DPAPI-NG encryption, skip this step.
      • If you are using an encrypted connection string, set AppSettingsEncryptionThumbprint to the certificate thumbprint registered with the Hyland Application Settings Utility (HASU). The HASU needs to run on every instance of the HOIS. For details on how to encrypt the connection string, see Encrypting the Database Connection String Using the Hyland Application Settings Utility.
        Note: Linux environments require the certificate thumbprint to encrypt at rest.
      • If you are not using an encrypted connection string, leave the AppSettingsEncryptionThumbprint setting undefined.
        Note: The AppSettingsEncryptionThumbprint setting may only be left undefined on Windows environments if the user is encrypting the connection string at rest with the HASU.
    3. Set the following encryption settings depending on your chosen encryption method.
    • If using certificate thumbprint encryption, set the CertificateThumbPrint setting to the thumbprint for the certificate.

      This setting is supported for both Windows and Linux environments. The user running the process must have access to the certificate.

    • If using DPAPI-NG encryption, set the ProtectionDescriptorRule setting to the SID of an active directory group.

      The SID must be set using the following format: "SID=MySIDNumber", where MySIDNumber is replaced with the SID number to be used. For example: "ProtectionDescriptorRule":"SID=S-1-1-12-12345678-123456789-123456789-12345",

      Note: If this setting is left blank, the SID of the application pool identity will be used.
      CAUTION: If this setting is left blank and the application pool user is not a user in your active directory domain, the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In will not be able to use the key generated to encrypt the data.
  5. Save and close the appsettings.json file.