You can encrypt the database connection string of the appsettings.json file in the Microsoft 365 Hyland Outlook Office Add-In using the Hyland Application Settings Utility (HASU) command line interface.
For more information on the HASU, see the Hyland Application Settings Utility chapter in the API Server documentation.
To encrypt the database connection string in the appsettings.json file for the HOIS:
- Launch a command prompt with elevated privileges.
- Navigate to the folder on your computer where the Hyland Application Settings Utility application is located.
- Enter the complete name of the utility (Hyland.Application.Settings.Utility.exe) after .\, followed by a space and write "-a".
- Specify the location of the HOIS appsettings.json file by entering .\Hyland.Application.Settings.Utility.exe write-a "[path]", where [path] is the path to the folder where the HOIS appsettings.json file is located.
- Press Enter.
Enter one of the following commands depending on whether you are using a
certificate thumbprint in the HOIS appsettings.json file.
For more information on the HOIS appsettings.json file, see
Configuring the appsettings.json File for HOIS.
- If you are using a certificate thumbprint, enter
.\Hyland.Application.Settings.Utility.exe write-a
"[hoisLocation]" --file appsettings.json -p
"DataSource:ConnectionString" -v[value] --encrypt
--thumbprint[certThumbprint] where
[hoisLocation] is the location of the HOIS
appsettings.json file, [value] is
the value entered for your connection string, and
[certThumbprint] is the value entered for
CertificateThumbPrint.Note: The default location of the HOIS appsettings.json file is C:\Program Files\Hyland\HOIS
- If you are not using a certificate thumbprint, enter
.\Hyland.Application.Settings.Utility.exe write-a
"[hoisLocation]" --file appsettings.json -p
"DataSource:ConnectionString" -v [value] -- encrypt where
[hoisLocation] is the location of the HOIS
appsettings.json file and [value]
is the value entered for your connection string.Note: The default location of the HOIS appsettings.json file is C:\Program Files\Hyland\HOIS
- If you are using a certificate thumbprint, enter
.\Hyland.Application.Settings.Utility.exe write-a
"[hoisLocation]" --file appsettings.json -p
"DataSource:ConnectionString" -v[value] --encrypt
--thumbprint[certThumbprint] where
[hoisLocation] is the location of the HOIS
appsettings.json file, [value] is
the value entered for your connection string, and
[certThumbprint] is the value entered for
- Press Enter.
The ConnectionString value in the HOIS
appsettings.json file is encrypted.